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Old 07-02-2004, 05:56 PM   #73
Operations Operative
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Northern WI
Posts: 739
Suck up.

But it it wasn't for your post I wouldn't have noticed catwoman kinda complimenting me. Hmm, I wonder if others have been saying nice things about me??

Catwoman, weren't you the one bragging on about how every male you know wants to bang you twice? And no pic to back that up? Or did I miss that too? Maybe I'll just mentally picture you as Halle Berry in the meantime.

And I'd like to *sniff* thank my mother and my *sniff* coke dealer and *blubber* oh it's all too much....
If you spot a tornado, always remember to point at it, yell "tornado!", and run like hell.

Last edited by blue; 07-02-2004 at 05:59 PM.
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