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Old 07-03-2004, 01:02 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Elspode

So where did the supposed intelligent designer come from, then? We assume everything had to be created because the only way we know how to accomplish anything is through action with a goal in mind.

The universe just *is*. It does what it does because it cannot do anything else.

Doesn't God say somewhere "I am that I am"? What's the major difference between that notion and the notion about the universe which I just postulated?
When it comes to logic, I have as much trouble with the concept that the Universe just *is* as I do that God just *is.* I keep going back to the thought I posted in another thread, why should there be a universe? Why should matter and energy exist? Wouldn't nothing existing be much simpler?

If I choose the God theory, I'm left with the question of where did God come from? Who was her Mom and Dad? Why does she allow "bad things" to happen? I don't know, though. There's something aboout looking up into a starry night sky or seeing a magnificient meteor shower. There's something about looking into my own soul. I am left with the feeling that a higher intelligence does exist. If I'm wrong, its not going to hurt me any. I'll just die and my remains will go back into the earth and someday I'll be a tree or a flower which is okay by me.
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