Thread: Upgrade done
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Old 07-04-2004, 10:49 PM   #35
Superior Inhabitant
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 71
Aack. It's great... it really is!


It's an identical theme to another vBulletin forum I use regularly ( I swear, when I first logged on, I thought I'd clicked the wrong bookmark. It took me a second or two to realize that yes, I was actually at the Cellar, not SSCity.


What I'm getting at, is... what are the chances that you can enable a couple of themes for us to choose from? I know it's possible, because (yet another) vBulletin forum I frequent has them enabled. It's not essential (and certainly it's not that I don't appreciate the changes and hard work put into them) but It would just be nice to have some way of instantly visually differentiating the different sites, so that with just a quick glance I can see which site I'm on.

It would be really awesome!
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