Thread: Gasoline primer
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Old 07-05-2004, 04:36 AM   #9
neither here nor there
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 179
Peak oil has me scared

I am reading this book at the moment and although I know "the end of the world is coming" is something that a lot of people have been shouting for quite a while a lot of what the author write makes a lot of sense to me.
Basically the argument can be reduced to one that our economy requires growth, but how can growth continue infinitely in a finite world? Without cheap energy intensive fuel to power our economy it will collapse. Soon demand for oil will outstrip cheap supplies for it and the price of oil will head upward and will stay there (the Peak oil concept ).

I would be interested if anyone who disagrees with this author could recommend me a book from the other side of the argument as I have scared myself silly and could do with some calming down
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