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Old 07-06-2004, 10:53 AM   #9
I am meaty
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Posts: 1,119
I regret not managing my money better back when I was a swinger... about the only smart thing I did with my money back then was to buy a house, but the rest of it I blew on fast cars, fast computers, fast... well, other fast stuff. If I'd saved just 1/4 of that "disposable" income each month, I'd have a pretty handsome savings by now.

When I was in Jr. High, I made the mistake of sticking up for a nerd in distress (I was a nerd myself, but not nearly as saturated in nerdiness as he). As a result, he became the unshakable tagalong friend. I gave him an honest chance, but his company was unbearable... after numerous attempts to cut him loose over several months, I resorted to a nasty verbal attack. It worked, and I don't know what else might have, but I always feel like shit when I think back on it. I think I regret the original-sticking-up-for-him and the eventual-unpleasant-dismissal just about equally.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
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