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Old 07-21-2004, 08:01 PM   #34
"I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me."
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Originally Posted by DanaC
Having someone who had actively campaigned for candidate in Florida oversee a recount in a disputed result was more than the usual level of partisan conflict of interests

Oh and what the hell was going on here?

"""What Happened to African American Voters?
Even before Election Day was over last year, stories began to circulate about how the rights of black voters were being taken away. Florida, of course, got the most attention, and there were certainly many things that were questionable about the treatment of black voters there. Thousands of punch-card ballots, which were used largely in poor in minority districts, were thrown out. When the names of criminals were removed from voting lists statewide, many legitimate black voters' names were taken off as well, and these voters were turned away when they showed up at the polls. A very controversial police blockade was placed just two miles from a polling place in a heavily African American district. And there were many reports of intimidation and harassment of black voters at the polls themselves. As Florida Congresswoman Carrie Meek said, "The system is not working for us…again." """

From the Brainevent site
Disrimination at the Polls

I wasn't surprised by this news in the LEAST. I remember when I heard of this right after the election and all I could do is shake my head. Ah well.. thanks for the site DanaC.
"Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken." ~Tagline from the movie "Amistad"~

"The Akan concept of Sankofa: In order to move forward we first have to take a step back. In other words, before we can be prepared for the future, we must comprehend the past." From "We Did It, They Hid It"
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