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Old 07-23-2004, 12:47 PM   #83
Colonist Extraordinaire
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: SW VA
Posts: 200
I never get to Anne Coulter and get pissed. If I get to Anne Coulter being listed as a reference, I get ready to grin, because it's certain that what I'm reading is a parody, and the punchline is just ahead. I read this article several times (yes, all the way through) because I just knew I had missed the joke. Coulter's every bit the reliable sorce that Rush Limbaugh is. She's nothing but a right-wing joke, on par with Pat Robertson, and everyone here is aware of that.

I'd like to read an independent account of this by one of the marshalls or flight attendants. People who deal with the flying public on a daily basis are bound to have a more reasonable view than this woman. If not, we're destined to turn all areas surrounding the U.S. into giant Gitmos where these fourteen innocents and others who look like them can be "locked up in chains" until our superior military and legislative minds can decide how to dispose of them.
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