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Old 08-20-2004, 12:34 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I was a cub scout in Arizona in the 70s. That was cool. I was new to the area, Tuscon, and I met a lot of people that way. We went on lots of hikes and camping trips. It was a lot of fun. There were several big events each year.

I joined the boy scouts in Maine a few years later, and it sucked. Lots of boring small den? meetings and fund raisers. Had to do things to get merit badges etc. Never did get to go on any trips there. We just spent a lot of time reading the manual and talking about boy scout stuff. I quit after one year.

In hindsight, I would concur that it depends on who the leaders are.

Our next door neighbors in here are big into the girl scouts. Every summer, they have half a dozen tents in their back yard. The gilrs seem to have fun, but I would rather go camping in the wilderness. It looks like it's all social for them.
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