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Old 08-24-2004, 10:49 PM   #23
stays crispy in milk
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: A strange planet called Utah
Posts: 270
Man Brianna, I am really sorry to hear what happened to you. I have been in your shoes and I know it ain't pretty. My advise is don't stay with the guy. Your trust is broken now and there really is no way to get it back. I am speaking with experience here as I stayed with my boyfriend for several months after he cheated on me. The relationship was never the same and I found myself being the psycho girlfriend and asking where he was at every moment. Breaking into his email account and checking his phone messages just to make sure he wasn't doing it again. It's a shitty thing to live in constant fear that he will cheat on you again, best to not even go down that road.

Go have a girls night out, just the girls. If you have a bunch of single friend even better. Do things to keep your mind off him. After my boyfriend and I finally broke up, I went and got my hair cut in a totally different style and then went on a mini vacation with a few female friends. I went to Vegas and had a blast just being with a bunch of girls. We flirted with guys, we got loud and obnoxious, we just had a shit load of fun. It was just what I needed to forget about that jerk.

If you want to talk or anything just PM me and I will send you my email address. Just know some of us know what you are going through, and are here to help however you need it. Time will make it better.
I cant think of anything to put here so this is all I am going to write.
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