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Old 08-27-2004, 01:15 AM   #10
stays crispy in milk
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: A strange planet called Utah
Posts: 270
Originally Posted by Chewbaccus
I get all kinds of nervous when I get in the car with my mother since her stickers expired. In July. Of last year.
Ha, that sounds like my mom. When we moved to UT from CA in May of 2002 she didn't go get a new license. In Utah its real easy to get a license. You hand in your old one and then take a OPEN BOOK test. When you pass (and really you would have to be a moron not to) they give you your new license. So she drove around for a year with expired CA tags and a not yet expired CA license. In June of 2003 her CA license was about to expire so she then decided to go get her UT license. She found out she had a parking ticket from when we lived in Utah 15 years ago and they wont give her a new license till she gets the ticket taken care of. So now she has been driving around with no license and CA plates that expired in May of 2002. A few months ago she got pulled over for the plates. For some reason they didn't ask for her license, they just impounded the car. She got it out and now has it registered but she still doesn't have a license. Its beyond me why she doesn't just go get it taken care of. She has the money, she is just the worlds biggest procrastinator.

Oh and sorry all that shit happened to you Jane Says. The DMV sucks. When I got married I went in to get my new license. I took my one one in and my marriage certificate. I waited in line for an hour to have them tell me it was the wrong certificate and I needed to go get the correct one. I HAD the correct one and had to go home and print up their web site's page and the NV state government's page and bring those back in the next day (and wait in line again) to prove to them that the thing I had in my hand is the thing their website says I need and the only thing that NV issues when you get married. That lady took it over to her Supervisor and then came back saying "well I guess we can accept it". I felt like screaming at her "your damn right you'll accept it, because thats the fucking paper I am suppose to have."
The DMV sucks.
I cant think of anything to put here so this is all I am going to write.
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