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Old 08-27-2004, 02:02 AM   #11
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
Posts: 18,449
Well Jane Says,

I'm not usually a "topper" but I can relate to your story and would laugh at my own experience if a "fifteen minute call to GEICO" didn't point out that it would cost me an EXTRA $500 a year to switch to them.

About eight years ago my wife and I got married and while we were away on our honeymoon our car was towed and junked. We just had moved to CT from NY and still had the NY tags on the car. (nasty court scene deleted for brevity) Naturally, I cancelled the insurance on the car. Fast forward six years: we are moving back to NY and I get pulled over for a bad tail light right in front of my new house. Cop lets me go with a 'fix it' ticket. Great. Five minutes later cop cars are flying up to my house from both directions and I'm surrounded. When he let me go my info hadn't come back from the dispatcher that I was driving with a suspended license for lapsed insurance. WTF?

It seems that DMV doesn't forward mail to change of addresses. You know, important mail like "we're suspending your license" or "the asshat who towed and junked your car didn't turn in the plates and your car is still registered."
I didn't even remember owning the p.o.s. car. Then it all came back to me. Two long, boring, painful circus–like court appearances later and I got the ticket waived. And a trip to DMV and various cash injections later I was compliant and on the road.

Meanwhile this is still on my record, raising my insurance premiums and the butthole who reported my car abandoned and the asshat who towed and junked my car are not suffering enough.

ps all that extra ID crap that they need from you is post 9/11 patriot act crap to make sure you aren't a terrist
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