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Old 03-13-2002, 04:15 PM   #4
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More info. I'm stupid and should have posted this originally.

"I don’t think a day has gone by in the last 17 years that I haven’t received a letter, request or phone call asking, ‘Where is she,'" says McCurry, the photographer who took the picture in a Pakastani refugee camp in 1984.

He's been looking for her for years, but had no luck. He was told that she either disappeared into the camps or had died. In January of this year, he decided to give it one last shot at the refugee camp where he had taken the picture. He walked around, holding a picture of the magazine (this picture was on the cover of a 1985 National Geographic), asking people if they knew the woman. He was surprised when a man said "I know her! I grew up next to her!"

The man then went and got the woman's brother, who went to Afghanistan to return with his sister. McCurry thought "We'll never see him again." - but, sure enough, he came back with his sister.

To ensure that it was her, National Geographic had some experts do scans of the irises and compare them. The tests came back 99.9% certain that they were the same person.

She says she remembers it vividly because it was the only time in her entire life that she'd had her picture taken.

She now lives in a village in Afghanistan with her children and husband. Of course, she's got that god-awful burqa.

You can read more here.
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