Thread: Bikes!
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Old 08-28-2004, 03:43 PM   #14
I thought I changed this.
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: western nowhere, ny
Posts: 412
Originally Posted by Griff
Are Eugenes bike lanes legit or are they door zone lanes? A lot of towns put a bike lane along side parked cars, which is much much worse than no lane at all. If its there cars expect you to use it and if you use it you will eventually get creamed by a door. I try to stake out a place for myself in traffic but let people pass when safe.
It varies. The smaller residential roads often have no marked lanes and light enough traffic that you can just go where you want. The larger streets mostly don't have any parking on the side. In the few spots of 'door zone lanes', I mostly just hit the sidewalk. But yeah, it's pretty killer when they try that stuff on you.
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