Thread: Bikes!
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Old 08-30-2004, 11:52 AM   #15
twatfaced two legged bumhole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,143
Originally Posted by dar512
Ok, LabRat. Share with us. Did you get out for a ride on your new wheels?
Yeppers, yesterday was bee-yoo-ti-ful here in eastern Iowa, so we dropped the offspring off at grandma and grandpas (i don't have a trailer yet), hubby went jetskiing with a buddy, and i went for a spin. We went to George Wyth State Park, in Black Hawk Co. a place where i did a lot of mountain biking when i was in college at UNI. There is an incredible network of paved paths that go thru the park and into both Cedar Falls and Waterloo, which is what I rode. My butt could only take 14 miles, but it was wonderful. Of course, before i even left the parking lot, i did the mandatory fall over while still attached to the damn pedals and mucked up my right wrist pretty good. took a nice chunk out of the left handlebar too, but at least no one saw it. (i didn't hear anyone laugh anyway) The shifters on the brake levers are new to me, and i thought they would be hard to get used to (my 93-94ish trek 820 has grip shifters) but it turns out i love them. after loosining the spring tension on my pedals, i practiced attaching and releasing my shoes while riding and that is a lot easier now too. hopefully won't be putting on any shows at busy intersections... the only thing i'm not familiar with is changing a flat, but at this point i won't be going anywhere remote so i'm not too worried about that. all in all it was a great day, and i figure by next weekend my butt will be ready to try another spin. till then i'll just stick to running, it's less technical on my christmas list is definately one of those seats with a cut out tho. never really needed one for my mtn bike, because you're out of the seat enough that even if you go for 2-3 hours, your butt isn't really all that sore.

thanks for asking!!
Strength does not come from how much weight you can lift, or how many miles you can run. It comes from knowing that you set a goal, and rose to the challenge. Strength comes from within.
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