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Old 08-31-2004, 07:08 PM   #1
stays crispy in milk
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: A strange planet called Utah
Posts: 270
Originally Posted by lookout123
i've got a damaged back, but won't go under the knife, so i have 1 massage and 1 adjustment per week. they kind of go hand in hand. if your muscles are messed up they can just pull you right back out of alignment.
I second that.

I have had major back problems for years. Starting in 6th grade when I was laid up for 2 weeks because one of my vertebrae had slipped out of place. My mom took me to a Chiropractor and he fixed it right up. I then saw him every week for a year and then every other week for another year. That was about the point when i realized that my back felt great for a day or two and then went right back to hurting again. The muscles were pulling the vertebrae right back out of alignment. I stopped going to the chiropractor as I had pretty much learned how to adjust it myself. I have seen a few others since then and I guess they were ok, but the fix they gave me was always temporary, so I don't bother with them any more.

If you do go see one I suggest you visit your doctor first and see what he has to say about it. It might be something that cant be fixed at this point. If he does say a Chiropractor can fix it then ask him who he recommends.
I cant think of anything to put here so this is all I am going to write.
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