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Old 09-07-2004, 11:25 AM   #8
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The American dream is a quaint hang-over from the past when this was once the land of opportunity. People could believe that with hard work and a bit of luck they could better their position in life and that their children could get an education or enter into a skilled trade and become secure members of the middle class. We used to have a democracy that was responsive to the will of the people and manufacturing jobs that paid workers a decent wage. We were a nation of doers and producers with equal opportunity for all. Now we no longer produce anything but wars with other countries. Our jobs have hemorraged out to other countries thanks to te phenomenon of out-sourcing. Our so-called representatives on the state and national level respond to who-ever has the most money to give them, not the common voters. The American public is coming to understand this, and a smaller percentage of eligible voters participate in each major election that comes up. Public schools have deteriorated and the wealthy send their children to private schools where they can get a decent education. If you work hard, you may raise up to a manager's position in McDonald's, and maybe if you and your spouse both work at two jobs, you can buy a second hand car and a home in a trailor court. That's the reality of the American dream today.
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