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Old 09-07-2004, 02:36 PM   #12
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 657
Originally Posted by lookout123
Everyone has the opportunity to go to college in america. their are countless scholarships, grants, and loans available - and lets not forget about the GI bill.
Yeah right. Have you ever tried getting one of those scholarships or grants lately? Or even better, try paying off those student loans before you drop dead at age 80. In most most countries in Europe it costs much less to attend college, and is sometimes free. Not here. Yeah, you can go for the GI Bill, if you don't mind taking the chance that you'll get blown to bits in Iraq first.

Originally Posted by lookout123
BS. some people do have to work very hard and they will end up in a management position at McD's. good for them. they won't be wealthy, but they show up to work every day and contribute to a productive society. Are you aware that a Jack-N-The-Box manager starts at $35K/annual? That isn't too bad for a starting position that doesn't require a degree and has a distinct promotion track and good benefits. it may not be prestigious, but it is a necessary job, so don't disrespect the guy handing you your fries. He/she is working to support his family.
And I'll bet ya that guy working that great job as a manager at Jack in the Box comes home and drinks a six pack every night because he's so miserable he has such a shitty job. And BTW, you can't just walk through the door and grab one of those $35,000 positions--they still want years of experience, good people skills, and a good business sense. Not everyone has those things.

Originally Posted by lookout123
Mari - you are a highly educated individual with a lot of compassion for those around you but have fallen prey to the cult of victimhood. negativity will hold you down faster than anything in the world.
No, I think she's fallen prey to the cult of reality. There is no such thing as the American Dream for many people without a certain level of education, or the intelligence to achieve that level of education.

Last edited by garnet; 09-07-2004 at 02:54 PM.
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