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Old 09-09-2004, 03:23 PM   #114
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by glatt
Mari, thanks for sharing that information. It's none of my business, but I'm curious. What's your situation now? You don't seem to be camping anymore. Where do you live? Is someone helping you? How do you have internet access? At a library? Again, it's none of our business, but I'm curious.
I was finally awarded my SSDI and got a back payment last June. In addition, my story appeared in a local paper and a retired Air Force Colonel who had been a professor of Russian history at the US Air Force Academy stepped forward with a very generous offer of financial help which allowed me to pay the rent on the cottage I now live in through next Feburary. The money from SSDI allowed me to replace my battered lap top with a new computer and I have a phone which I get a small discount on the bill for. I get dial-up access to the net through AOL. I just keep putting in new disks with the free offers of hours. I am very concerned about what my situation will be next Feburary if I have not recieved a housing voucher by then. I pray a lot.

And, BTW, I bet there won't be another word written in this thread by Brianna, Clodfobble, Lookout and anyone else who just were dying to turn this thread into their own little spam fest against me. It really makes me angry that what started out as an impersonal political debate had to degenerate into what it did, and then have the people who turned it personal slink off without another word. I can understand why people might be confused about my situation, but if I'm not writing about myself why do they insist that I do? I shouldn't allow myself to become upset over a few cyber strangers, but I am. People are soooooo STUPID! On one hand they say I appear intelligent and on the other they say I'm faking it. Well, if I'm so smart and I was lying, wouldn't I dumb down my posts and play the role of the popular image of a brain injured person? Like: itz werrie hard forr mee tooo tipe now *(3 my hans don werlk rite 86 and eye ferget n whut i wuz sayin..."

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Just had to add that. Sorry, but I now have anger problems along with my other difficulties

Last edited by marichiko; 09-09-2004 at 03:51 PM.
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