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Old 09-10-2004, 01:37 AM   #13
Posts: n/a
Oh my, this entire thread is just too funny! There is NO SUCH THING as bad directions karma. I know this because I have spent the better part of the past 5 years being perpetually lost. If you want good karma, give people the wrong directions on purpose! I have met more kind people, seen more new and amazing things in the past 5 years of my life than ever I did back when I still had a sense of direction. I no longer call it getting lost, I call it making new friends and finding amazing places. I have arguments with my GPS! It will give me my coordinates, and I'll tell it that it is the most bald faced liar I've ever met. It will sulk for a while, take another fix on a passing satellite and spit back at me "accurate to within 14 feet!" To which I'll reply, "then we've had it, you stupid little thing, we're on a road that has no existance on the map; there's no way back to civilization and you don't have any spare batteries!" Then we'll go around a curve in the road and find the most awesome, drop dead beautiful place I've ever seen since the last time I've been lost which was 3 hours ago. Life goes on. Sooner or later the damn road has to lead SOMEWHERE - I don't care how contrary it might appear - or I meet a rancher or a couple of hunters from Alabama and they give me wonderfully precise directions which I forget the moment their jeep has disappeared around the curve, and, oh well, this place would make a great campsite and tomorrow's another day. Don't sweat it!
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Last edited by marichiko; 09-10-2004 at 01:55 AM.
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