Thread: Online Dating
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Old 09-13-2004, 08:19 AM   #11
stalking a Tom
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: on the edge of the english channel
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I once started a brief chat-liaison with someone I knew only as Mr London. We agreed to swap photos with a view to meeting but when I got his through I realised he had, lets say, embellished his appearance, and was more, lets say, Mr Michelin, aged 45 not 25, and then found out, instead of the beauty contest winning career his moniker had inferred, he had an incredibly boring sales job (I could never take someone in sales seriously who takes sales seriously). I thought if he could lie about that he could lie about other things.

Anyway, back to the point, I think if you have already met and get on with this guy there's no problem - it would be just as if you had met him in a bar. Have fun!
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