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Old 09-28-2004, 04:00 PM   #37
Strong Silent Type
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Fort Collins, CO
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Originally Posted by garnet
You said you kid rarely misbehaves, it's therefore interesting that you've had so many people comment on how you should discipline him, and also interesting that you're so defensive about the whole issue. Oooops, that's just more of my thoughtless spew...sorry.
Garnet, are you retarded on purpose, or is it a complete accident?

At no point did she say anything remotely similar to that. Let me check to be sure... Yup, turns out she said the exact opposite...

Originally Posted by case
If I am in public and my kid screeches at the top of his lungs, no, there is no way around it. I can't go back in time and make it not happen. Of course, since I know how to handle it, my kid doesn't do that very often. Yes, kids will be kids.
Now, I'm perfectly happy letting you two go at it, but that kid is my kid too, and I don't take FUCKING KINDLY to veiled insults against him.

Edit: bolded the part Garnet is extraordinarily fucking likely to miss.
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