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Old 09-28-2004, 05:49 PM   #45
Colonist Extraordinaire
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: SW VA
Posts: 200
Perhaps the reason you haven't seen other PETA threads since you finally shut up about it is that no one else gives a shit. No, on second thought, I'm certain that's the reason.

Why don't you find someplace else to post where your interests more closely match the other posters? It seems that nearly every thread you voice your shrill opinion in turns into a trainwreck. Much of the time it seems obvious you're just trolling. Are you so starved for attention that any kind of attention is better than none at all?

I have to wonder - if you were seated on the patio of a restaurant, would a barking dog nearby cause you as much distress as a crying child? Or crows cawing? And who should take care of that to ensure your digestion isn't affected?

Don't like kids, don't want to be around the racket? Don't get pregnant and don't work at a daycare. Any incidental contact you have with children beyond that, regardless of their behavior, is something you can't control. Either live with it or stay home.
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