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Old 09-28-2004, 06:18 PM   #49
Touring the facilities
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The plains of Colorado
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Too bad your parents can't just scoop you up and take you away. When you insult someone without qualification, you get slammed. Your assumptions about mine and perth's parenting abilities are pretty far fetched, considering you have only seen a few of my posts, and that is hardly enough to justify knowing what kind of person I am. It just so happens that I rarely post. And if I am a stranger on the internet, then you have no real basis for your judgement. You, on the other hand, have this habit of running your keys on everything you think you know about and irritating the crap out of most of us. Get off your self-righteous, PETA loving high horse and learn to deal with reality. Kids are going to scream sometimes. As jane said, you can't control it.

We should all be glad you choose not to have kids. To let the idiocy continue into another generation would be a travesty.

And BTW, my kid wasn't the one that was biting. Read posts carefully before posting. I know that is hard for you to do, but just humor us all, please.
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