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Old 10-01-2004, 10:00 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by wolf
I would like to hope that you are right on this one, but I think that independence has been beaten/bred out of most Americans. There are indeed a few of us left, but I don't know if the uprising would last long.
Why are you conservatives so down on your own countrymen? You characterize the rest of your fellow Americans as a bunch of spineless, would- be-welfare cheats, traitors, scum, and rabble; and then you run around waving your flags. If that's how you guys really feel, why do you even bother? What is a nation other than a collection of people? I'm a Liberal and I think my American people are wonderful, hard-working, fighters. Get them to wake up and give them a cause to believe in, and they'd give ANYBODY one hell of a good fight! I'd be right beside you on the barricades, Wolf, just throw me a gun!
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