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Old 10-12-2004, 11:42 AM   #5
High Propagandist
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 111
Unwinnable and nuisance level

I would like to say that they're the same, but GW is now back to saying we can win it. His point is far less articulate and he has flip-flopped on this one. I think it would be nice to identify the real issue and deal with it. Not call the country to arms in a farcsical war on terror, the enemy doesn't exist. It's an ingenious way to moblilize people's fear. It gets away from the general view of the war on terror, and abstration used to defeat percieved enemies. If Bush truly admitted to the idea of tactic, then he would have to ID and go after the true enemies, and that's much more difficult.

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