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Old 10-15-2004, 04:02 AM   #31
stalking a Tom
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: on the edge of the english channel
Posts: 1,000
Originally Posted by melidasaur
Catwoman, where in England are you? I'm curious to see if I've been there.
Grew up in Devon, now living in Bournemouth on the South Coast. Not a bad little town, a somewhat transient population consisting of students and holiday makers, but within 1/2 hour of the New Forest which has just become a National Park and only an hour or so from London. Spend most of my weekends in the forest where the sight of ponies wandering round amongst the houses and pubs, wild fallow and red deer and beautiful birds of prey are pretty much the norm. I sometimes forget how lucky I am.

Originally Posted by DanaC
Aw shucks, we're not that easy are we?
.....ummm....yes? Well.....depending on the pint of course
mmmmm..... Champion.... Tanglefoot... Black Sheep... Hobgoblin.... mmmmm

Originally Posted by DanaC
ahhhh *sighs* Cream Tea in a little tea shop in some narrow little village on a slightly warm summer's day. Now that's England
mmmmm.... tea.... cream.... scones.... jam...... summer.... mmmmmm

Went to some lovely little villages in Yorkshire Dana. The wheel came off our van (yes, while we were driving) in Hawes so spent a few days there (after fixing it ourselves on the road... AA my arse) and (apart from the obligatory Wensleydale trip) we ventured out to do the Three Peak Challenge (Whernside, Pennyghent, Ingleborough), ended up camping on Whernside which was really scary, trying to keep thoughts of wild moor cats and Yorkshire Rippers at bay. Overall impression of the Dales (sadly didn't get to the North York Moors) was very good: some excellent pubs, top notch beer and would definitely visit again.

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
See, you can do it when you crave nylons and chocolate.
I don't understand. Am I missing something very simple? I hate it when I do that.
I've decided I'm not going to have a signature anymore.
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