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Old 11-04-2004, 10:31 AM   #3
Syndrome of a Down
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: West Chester
Posts: 1,367
Culture war. The Constitution Restoration Act (passing this time) signifying the turning point for creeping theocracy. The end of Roe vs. Wade, potshots taken at Lawrence vs. Texas and Griswold vs. Connecticut (possibly taking both down). Rehnquist and either Stevens, Ginsberg or both replaced by conservobots, Specter's bluster notwithstanding. Lots of fun conservobot judicial appointments in lesser courts. A variety of restrictive religion-themed morals laws, primarily in Southern states. An increased role for the FCC, clamping down on "indecency" on television and radio.

Massive, massive, massive increases in the deficit.

Increased tension between the US and the rest of the world, allies and enemies alike.

Christian doctrine creeping into public schools. "Intelligent design" and straight creationism inserted by many school boards across the heartland into curriculums. Relaxations of the wall between church and school mirroring what'll go on between church and state.

War in Iran.

New terrorist attacks in the US, on a smaller scale than 9/11 but still effective in keeping America fearful.

Blue flight; Democrats living in the south and midwest will start moving to more receptive states, once the repercussions of all of the above start sinking in.

Long knives being drawn and pointed at moderate Republicans who do not toe the party line.

Democrats, liberals, Hollywood, the media, homosexuals and atheists, of course, will be blamed for whatever goes wrong.

Book it. It will be a slow, incremental process, so as not to jar Joe America into waking up until the judicial framework has already been laid, but they have all the time in the world, as it would take an unbelievable turnaround for the Democrats to retake the House or Senate in 2006 no matter what happens.

All of the above are why I've basically been curled up into a ball for the last two days. I don't expect to uncurl any time soon.

Last edited by vsp; 11-04-2004 at 10:41 AM.
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