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Old 11-13-2004, 02:45 PM   #10
Lazy Guy
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Illinois
Posts: 20
thats a reference to the Wizard of Oz, when dorothy and the scarecrow (i believe its only them, kinda makes reference to the light prompt of "Dorothy and Scarecrow") take an apple off of the tree, the tree yells that line at them.

Also, the book "Dance Dance Dance" can be found here:

If you scroll down on the page more you'll see where the story starts...its the complete book as far as I can tell! also anywhere where there is "<<...words...>>" that means the same as quotations ("...words..."). So if anyone has some spare time but doesn't feel like buying or borrowing the book from the library, please look this over, as the more people we have educated on the many sources he draws from, maybe people can put together previously unregarded bits of information...

[EDIT: I just found this essay online!

Earlier in the forums somebody (i believe redneck?) found quotes from frankenstein and from something else (i cant remember), but then he also said that in the diablo.gif picture he found the phrase "The french man in a box." Now I just skimmed through it so the comparisons aren't complete, but In that essay, it describes Bertolt Brecht (man with ideas of alienation)'s conversation with a woman he would later marry:

"So that's how you plan to spend the rest of your life?"
"Probably. At least that way I won't be bothering anybody."
"If you really feel that way," she said, "Why not live in a shoebox?
"A charming idea."

A man in a box, with theories on alienation (a main theme in both books), not necessarily french though
I'm gonna go see what more I can pull out of Google, but honestly, read this essay! it's especially helpful for understanding the basic idea(s) of Dance Dance Dance and The Wild Sheep Chase for those who haven't read them.]

Has anyone heard truthfully if anyone has gotten past those first 2 lights???

Last edited by Devangelist; 11-13-2004 at 07:39 PM. Reason: MORE INFO
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