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Old 11-16-2004, 11:21 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Undertoad

But in the above image he's blacked over the "PS Fuck You" and is posting another P.S., which you make out here: "Dark Horse". I guess that's his nom de guerre.
This may also be a gesture of solidarity with the Army's 11th armored calvary division - the "black horse" regiment which has served honorably on many a battlefield. It was deployed to southern Germany during the early years of the Cold War and patrolled the German-Czech border. Later, the unit became a legendary fighting force in Vietnam and Cambodia for 5 ½ years, earning 14 battle streamers, and three Medals of Honor.

The 11th's assignments including patroling the border near Bad Hersfeld, Germany on the border between East and West Germany in the cold war. My father was a member of this regiment and stationed in Bad Hershfeld, and did two tours with the 11th in Vietnam, among many other places.

"I feel privileged to go on this mission with such a magnificent group, I am honored to serve with these fine men, they will do the Regiment proud."

Major Ken Royalty commenting on the deployment to train the Afghan National Army.

Last edited by marichiko; 11-16-2004 at 11:26 AM.
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