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Old 11-18-2004, 04:02 PM   #26
Brown Thrasher
self=proclaimed ass looking for truth whatever that means
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: A treehouse
Posts: 193
I think it was on cnn, where the average death rate among americans every year; from the flu was around 30,000. I wonder how many will perish this year, due to the lack of vacine. Speaking of innocent casualties, does anyone remember how many innocent american soilders were killed in vietnam. Anyway, whomever is making these counts of supposed innocents; what do they base this on. Who is actually innocent? the kurd, sunnis, shites, or the people who have gone to try and help these soilders,
organizatios such as the red cross and other humatarian organizations, who have been tortured and at times beheaded. I wonder how many will die here this year frm the flu.
Come to think of it how many of the innocents of Iraq will face the same fate.

Please enlighten me. Who is innocent in a time of war.p.s Thank God for my american brothers who fight for my freedom;even though I am far from innocent......... "Judgement is what defeats us" Marlon Brando- Acopolypse Now
Let it rain, it eases pain.....
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