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Old 11-19-2004, 07:55 AM   #21
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Posts: 995
Originally Posted by antaeus
Gone. I won't confess to spray cheese, but Cheez Whiz - boy, that stuff rocks on nachos.
Yay for cheeze whiz. The only shortcoming of my favorite steak place, Chink's, is that they only have american and provolone. I've made strong suggestions that they add it to the menu - but I more or less got snubbed. You damn people in the Northeast.

Even after doing a turn in Europe, I didn't really develop a solid taste for "fine" cheeses. But just as with wines, I can tell a poor-tasting cheese when I come across such.

I personally like camembert and brie. Never really had a taste for chevre or swiss though (gruyere, emmenthal, swiss - never struck a fancy in me). Gouda, feta, goat cheese go well on pasta and salad, and I like to make cheeseburgers with monty jack (peppered) and meunster.
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