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Old 12-03-2004, 07:28 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
in a country where there are so many people that a criminal would never be traced.
Sorry but that smacks of racism. What makes you think that a hard working indian call centre worker who ahs trained for often a year or more for the job and works on a different timezone than the rest of his country just to keep it is more likely to swipe your details than a minumum wage worker in the US? What makes you think they're less traceable? Get over the pictures of shantytowns.

It certainly is the natural path of globalisation, the blue collar classes got fucked by this long ago, technology now makes it possible for screw the white collar workers as well. Watch the engineering grads sweat as the tens of thousands of well trained, eager hard working chinese engineers come on to the market. Is it 'right'? Well why do they have less of a right to a good job than you? If they're willing to work harder for less cash why should the government mandate that you should be hired simply because you're American? After all doing so is simply hurting American Companies (exuse the giggle, they're all based in the caymen islands anyway) ability to compete on the Global Stage.
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