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Old 05-11-2001, 10:34 AM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
Exploding dog:

Artist Sam Brown takes titles from the web and draws pictures to represent those titles. He spits out an average of one per day and has been at it for over a year, so there are a lot of pictures.

You browse them over time, by clicking on the title. After clicking on the title, you are shown the drawing that goes with that title.

The pictures are simple and at first you might even think childishly so. It features stick figure people, whose heads are made up of two dots and a line across a simple circle. The website is extremely simple and is mostly gray on white.

Looking at one after another, it becomes clear that the simplicity is a wonderful device. It makes you focus. What sort of simple drawing will be behind the title "when will I find the right one?" or "someday i will join you" or "I Must Focus On The Task At Hand"? The drawing behind the title is often a surprise; sometimes unexpected, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny.

Like a lot of good art, what you bring to each drawing is impportant. How you feel about a drawing or how you interpret it will be largely up to you. The simplicity guarantees that you'll be an active participant, and your reaction is part of the whole experience.

And I haven't seen one exploding dog yet.
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