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Old 12-11-2004, 10:55 AM   #1522
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by perth
Think that's also been done, but it's more than funny enough to merit a repeat.

Just for grins, here's the webcomics I visit each day:

The best of the lot, in my mind, are Achewood and Questionable Content.
Did you notice that the December 9th "questionable content" contains the following conversation -

"How was the show you went to last night?"
It was awesome . The lead guitarist from God Forbid bled on me! I almost fainted, it was so f***in' rad.
In the authors notes next to the comic, there was a reference to the recent shooting of a lead guitarist, but I get the impression from the comic that it was made prior to the incident and that it merely joked about the use of dangerous musical instruments.
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