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Old 12-20-2004, 02:06 PM   #7
work in progess
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 100
just say no

Excellent ideas from all....We have a pretty open forum in our house. She is such a bright kid (I know that is what we all say huh?) and she is growing up so fast. I must admit I was totally unprepared for this and other topics of discussion that have come up such as sex, god, death etc. She keeps us on our toes. I guess I just want to give her the right answers. I want to take the best care of her I can. I want to make sure I am communicating on her level. I always tell her that whatever we discuss stays between us. I worry about the day she learns that smoking pot is akin to murder, as we have been known to indulge from time to time. Not in front of or near the children but let's face it, Even if you go outdoors the smell lingers, just like cigarettes. It has a very distinctive smell. Anyone faced or facing this situation?
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