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Old 04-22-2002, 03:01 PM   #63
Posts: n/a
I think part of it is the "CLEAR CLEAR! you betta broke outta here" and how he says "outta".

I think the other part is that the Pilfers were simply a very good band. It's unfortunate that they didn't get major-label backing, because I find their music to be of a much higher caliber (and much more listenable) than the main-stream ska, but it's also pop-y. All in all, I like it. The rest of that album is very good too. I should send you the MP3's.

And yes, you're right, as I guessed you probably would be. I don't figure anyone else around here has ever heard of the Pilfers

<b>Hypnotized</b> really is just an awesome song though.
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