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Old 04-23-2002, 02:25 PM   #89
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by vsp
(Where can you find the import Saturn version for less than that, besides?)
I can't, but I am one hundred percent sure that the "boingy boingy" is fully intact in the import Saturn version.

Amazon doesn't actually have Dead or Alive in stock. Go check again. I don't need to, because I already did earlier this morning. If they did, it would have been overnighted to me a long time ago I need to check out FuncoLand or something. I'm not sure of any around me though. If you find it for a decent price <b>with case and booklet</b>, pick it up for me and I'll send you a check to cover cost + shipping + your time. By decent price I guess I mean about $26 or less. That's for the PSX version.

Totally unrelated - I can't help but love my Dreamcast. Am I wrong in thinking that it's a better console than the PS2? Obviously it's not up-to-par hardware-wise, but I just love that goofy little white box. Especially now that everything for it is dirt fucking cheap. I guess I'm partially just really sad to see Sega exit the console business. I had more fun on Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast than I did on all the Nintendo consoles. Man. Nostalgia.

If you have any Dreamcast games that you're looking to get rid of, let me know. I might be interested in acquiring them for a reasonable (read: mutually satisfying) price.
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