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Old 01-20-2005, 06:16 PM   #8
Brown Thrasher
self=proclaimed ass looking for truth whatever that means
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: A treehouse
Posts: 193
Come on people, how can anything concerning the reason for life be a scientific fact.
On the other hand, how can so many people believe in a story passed through generations. It appears to me, to be an intellectual battle going on. Give it a break, unless you can absolutely prove either theory, why not move on to other things. I watched the inaguaration today. When the President and his wife got out of that limousine, I was really afraid they would be shot. I will starting today try and worry more about what may happen today. Why is it so important to be right, when in your own minds, if your honest, you just believe a theory passed on by another human. Humans are not without flaw. I don't care how smart they are or how smart they think they are. If i could just live in the now.........
Let it rain, it eases pain.....
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