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Old 01-26-2005, 12:52 PM   #9
biting my elbow
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Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Undertoad
All of which is very strange, when you think about it; it's just a symbol, just a mark, just a set of lines. Or is it?
I don't think it's that strange, since just about everything in our culture is one symbol or another. Even the physical objects we surround ourselves do double duty as symbols (cars, clothes). And symbols have all the power we assign to them. The collective power of social investment in a symbol is what gives it its meaning.

This particular symbol is about as powerful as a symbol gets, not just because of what it stands for, but also for the sheer number of people on this planet that know the symbol. It truly transcends the boundary of any one culture. Which is why this effort by the Hindus is not just insensitive to the rest of the world, but doomed to failure. It's not their symbol anymore.
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