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Old 01-26-2005, 02:25 PM   #11
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
Oh my god, I've been through this exact same stuff. I can't smoke weed anymore. I really, really thought I was gonna die the last time I smoked. I was with my ex and he put his head on my chest and told me I was fine to calm me down..The next day, he was like "I thought you were gonna die! Your heart was pounding so hard I thought it would beat out of your chest!" I remember saying to him "tell my family that I love them". Sooo freaky.
I started having panic attacks when I was 15. I actually called 911 in the middle of the night, because I thought I was dying. And ofcourse, everything about my health was normal.
I had one right after drinking a coke- a bad one. I think it's a sugar/caffeine related thing. stop drinking soda! seriously. You might have low blood sugar. If that's the case, don't eat a lot of sugar and eat protein with every meal.
Cut down on your caffeine intake, too.
I've had chest pains on and off for years now, although I stopped getting full blown anxiety attacks. When you feel like there's something wrong with you and you worry about having them, you'll get them even more! I am able now to talk myself out of them. I just say to myself "you know there's nothing wrong with you. If you go to the emergency room you're gonna sit there for hours for them to tell you there's nothing wrong, and you're gonna feel stupid. " Then I try to keep myself busy. Don't just go and lay down, it'll probably get worse. Last time I almost had an anxiety attack, i did the dishes.
I really truly think it's diet/nutrition and stress related. I used to eat a lot of crap- candy bars, soda, chips, subs...That's when I had the most problems. Just for one week, try eating a really healthy diet and see if it works. Protein with every meal, no sugary snacks, no soda. The day after drinking I'm always more prone to having problems, too. One more thing, that weed might have been really good stuff- too strong. But the problem is, that now that you've had a problem, even if you try weaker stuff, you're going to expect anxiety and you'll get it.
And duh, reduce the stress in your life and get enough rest.

I know all of this sounds too simple and generic, but it really works. If you don't have a medical problem, then I guarantee you that a healthier lifestyle will fix your problem.
Here's a helpful little summary. Write it down and follow it, damn it. I want a report at the end of the week.

1) no soda
2) reduce caffeine
3) eat 3 meals a day and make sure there's protein in them
4) lay off the sugar/ sweets
5) lay off booze (and weed)
6) get enough sleep
7) do stuff that you enjoy and that relaxes you- this doesn't include smoking weed and drinking.

In case of an anxiety attack:
1) tell yourself that you know for a fact that you are in good health and that it is just anxiety.
2) stop thinking about it!! Do something productive. Iron some shirts, clean your house, go online and IM someone or find a live chat or just come to the Cellar. Get into a conversation, just do something that'll take your mind off of it.
You DO have control over this. Don't let your brain fool you into thinking you don't!
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