Thread: Atkins Snacks
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Old 01-27-2005, 11:05 AM   #31
Does it show up here when I type?
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Between the smoky layers of a prosciutto sandwich!
Posts: 355
You're not hungry all the time if you put in the number of calories correctly matched to your bodyweight and level of exercise.

And lots of foods leave you feeling full or empty regardless of their caloric weight...junk food has the lowest "fullness" effect on the body.

Let's face it though, if you take up jogging, you can plough through a pile of pasta and the carbs are greedily put to good use by your body, which needs them to fuel the exercise. Liberal olive oil, and fresh ingredients (not frigging TV dinners) will make you full. Plus, half the time feeling hungry is due to a lack of fluids, not food. Drink a cup of tea or juice.

The main things that people need to cut down on, are heavily processed fats, and high-fructose corn syrup.

The processed fats are difficult for the body to use, and thus end up as bodyfat. High-fructose corn syrup is used by the soft-drink industry in place of sugar, and it's basically a low level poison, it's horrible for your body.

I know plenty of Greeks and Italians who power through more fat and carbs than you could count, but they exercise and they don't eat processed chemical "food".

Take your atkins diet and combine it with moderate exercise; your body will suffer enormously. The body NEEDS carbohydrates.
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