Thread: Atkins Snacks
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Old 01-28-2005, 10:57 AM   #37
Join Date: Jan 2001
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What makes you feel full is complex carbohydrates and fat. What makes your hunger satisfied is fat. And I don't know about you (specific), but _I_ feel hungry all the time when I'm eating only enough calories to maintain my weight, unless I'm somewhat overweight or I'm doing consistent hard exercise. And no, drinking a lot of water doesn't help.

As for HFCS, it's a bogus bogeyman. It's very similar to sucrose; it mainly consists of the two components of sucrose, in similar ratios. I prefer the taste and mouthfeel of cane sugar, but that doesn't make HFCS a poison.

"Processing" doesn't necessarily make food any worse; in the US, processed food tends to have a lot of sugar and salt added, which probably isn't good, but it's not "processing".

Atkins, I think, mainly works precisely because fat makes you full and satisfied; Atkins dieters tend to take in fewer calories than before they started their diet.
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