Thread: Bruises
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Old 02-05-2005, 11:35 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 657

This may be a question more for the girls, but any help is appreciated. I tend to bruise really easily, and can't seem to find a legit answer as to why. The other night we got some snow here, and I slipped coming out of the building at work (I'm glad no one saw me, because I'm sure it was hilarious). Anyway, I didn't think it was a particularly hard fall, but the next morning I woke up with a huge nasty dark purple bruise on my leg. Not sexy! Sometimes I'll find a bruise on my arm or leg and have no idea how I got it.

The last doc I went to of course blamed it on the vegan thing, but I think that's bogus. I've had this problem as far back as high school, way before I was veg. I've heard it may be from an iron deficiency (thus more common in women), but I've always taken a supplement and try to eat foods high in iron. I'm baffled. Any ideas?
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