Thread: Streaming Tunes
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Old 02-14-2005, 08:02 PM   #1
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
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Streaming Tunes

This could be an Entertaininment or an Internet thread equally, but I'm entertained, so here goes.

I've recently become frankly disgusted with commercial radio. Since I'm not going to go with Sirius or XFM anytime in the near future, I've found myself listening mostly to talk radio in the car, and streaming audio at home.

I like XPN when I do listen to broadcast radio, and have found meets a lot of my musical 'demands'. (Not the same song every 5 minutes, a nice blend of offbeat and mainstream artists, and stuff that lets me tune my brain out while I do whatever it is that I do.)

Does anyone here listen to streaming audio? If so, what do you listen to? Any recommendations? (Now, if I just set up my audio recorder program, I could actually take this to work with me!)

The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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