Thread: God? Faith?
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Old 02-17-2005, 08:53 PM   #33
(marsupial with backward-facing pouch)
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Canberra
Posts: 251
To me, god is the universe and everything in it. That is of course a massive over-simplification but words are very limiting when it comes to theology. So, anyway, this means that I am a part of god, and so is everyone else. This really blurs the boundaries of "me", in fact I'd rather say "us" and "we" than "me" or "I". Anything I do affects everything else, and anything you do affects me. We are all part of the same system, affecting each other. If I help you I'm helping myself, and if I hurt you I'm hurting myself. For all these reasons I voted "God plays an active role in my life", but this does NOT mean I pray, or hear voices telling me what to do, or go to church (in fact I'm very much against organised religion).
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