Thread: God? Faith?
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Old 02-17-2005, 09:53 PM   #36
When Do I Get Virtual Unreality?
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Location: Raytown, Missouri
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Originally Posted by BigV
God, I hope not. Wait, does that make it so then? Magical, miraculous, mysterious, certainly, but I would be disappointed to think that I am the very pinnacle of creation. I think we disagree on a little more than just terminology here, Els. I would like to hear more from you.
There is no pinnacle of Creation...all portions are equal. Manifested in differing ways externally, certainly, but fundamentally...the same.

Matter is energy made tangible, at least, to our particular senses. Energy is the basis of everything. Ultimately, energy is all there is. Our particular gift is our mind, matter made self-aware. The trick is to not get overly caught up in this one plane; not be totally confined by your "five senses", so that you become unable to interact with the All. The quest for the ability to be more aware, more interactive with things that you do not normally interact with is the basis of spirituality. Faith is a part of that. You have to have faith that you *can*, in fact, see and know more than the here and now.

Many things are hidden, but not nonexistent. It is really, really hard to get in tune with those things, and most people spend a lifetime trying. I know I'm working at it.

The book I recommend most to people is called "The Holographic Universe". It is the closest thing I have yet found that summarizes, as a mostly scientific theory, how all of this works. Believe it or not, it was reading this that finally persuaded me that a spiritual pursuit (in my case, Wicca) could actually yield results.
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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