Thread: God? Faith?
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Old 02-17-2005, 10:59 PM   #37
Join Date: Feb 2003
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I was raised Catholic but have since shunned the formal structure of the faith. I believe in God in a religious sense but also in a philosophical sense. Its the most logical answer to the question: what was the first thing to exist?

All this stuff (us and everything around us) came from somewhere or something. God is as good an answer as anything else I can come up with.

So, I believe in God for two reasons. One because my faith provides a structure to my life that I am comfortable with and two, God is an easy answer to a question that, in all likelihood, will never be answered.

Lastly, people who don't believe in God can't prove me wrong any more than I can prove them wrong which is why I don't feel compelled to defend my belief in God nor do I feel compelled to convince others that he exists. I derive no comfort from sharing my belief in the unprovable with others nor do I feel alienated if I am in the company of agnostics or athiests.
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