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Old 03-02-2005, 10:54 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
What the fuck does the Syrians assassinating a popular Lebanese politician leading to mass protests have to do with Bush? Precisely Fuck all. What does the new hope in the Israeli/Palestinian peace process have to do with bush? Fuck all. They're both the product of internal, home-grown forces. Want to see what happens when that works? Look at Ukraine at the moment. Want to see what happens when it's forced by foreign interests? Look at Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan at the moment.

The net effect of the invasion and occuption of Iraq so far has been to drive Iran closer to the edge, Syria off the deep end, deepen the hate in Saudi and lay the seeds for a gorgeous little civil war if they ever pull out of Iraq and maybe even if they don't.
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