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Old 03-07-2005, 08:41 PM   #528
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
on the page after you type in the user name Alexander and the PW Gordian it takes you to a picture of a truck, is that a dead end or is there something to do on that page, i highlighted it all and i did the al code at the bottom....

104 101 098 098 097 110 032 111 108 108 097
032 118 111 103 097 108 097 032 110 101 115 116 097 115 032 104 097
103 117 110 110 097 110 032 013 010 104 105 110 097 115 101 032 104
105 040 099 041 032 040 101 041 110 100 097 032 116 104 117 032 013
010 117 117 040 097 116 041 032 117 110 098 105 100 097 040 110 041
032 040 117 117 041 101 032 110 117

Translates to...

hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan

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