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Old 03-08-2005, 04:56 PM   #6
Sibling of the Commonweal
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 16
I myself feel trapped, though a cheesesteak would be good at this time, materialistic things don't matter to me, I pay more attention to the grasping of an inner peace (hence the name). Like many, I mask myself to look as what other people want to see, and I have denied other ways to be. People don't want the truth, because people can't bear the truth, most people expect the truth but in turn they give not truth, people expect love but give not love in return. My view of this life, is we are just a rock floating in an infinite black void, alone, and yet surrounded by others in this chasm. I suppose I am a robot now, nothing more than just mechanical, or meybe just better than human, for I have abandoned religion, myth, legend, and I have turned to science to solve my life. I have abondoned god and the theory of this testing ground. Die alone, siece to funtion. Only human, not more than mortal. And so, here I am, cast out of scociety as a mind, but accepted as a body. We are not alone in this void on this rock, humans emitt more than just pollution, we emitt a field of energy, an energy of thought, emotion, and instinct. Not more than animals, but and no less than god, we hold the magnifiying glass... shall we use it. And so if you have read this far, you may have a better idea as to what I wish to see among the posts. Express youself, I'm watching.

~[i]"You are a very odd boy, but I suppose... after all, as our mothers always told us, at least mine has 'always try new things'." -Hannibal Lector
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